Learning to Skateboard in A Warzone (2020)
Carol Dysinger and Elena Andreicheva
In Afghanistan, many young girls are not able to participate in sports. cultural and religious norms, along with other factors such as safety concerns and years of warfare, have resulted in limited athletic and recreational opportunities for women and girls, especially those who come from impoverished neighborhoods. But there is a new generation of afghan girls who believe they can do anything. LEARNING TO SKATEBOARD IN A WARZONE (IF YOU’RE A GIRL) tells the story of young afghan girls learning to read, write - and skateboard - in Kabul. Oscar Winner Short Documentary 2020. Interview with Filmmaker here, Available on Apple TV

Skater Girl (2021)
When a teen in rural India discovers a life-changing passion for skateboarding, she faces a rough road as she follows her dream to compete. Read the Review here and Instagram

Skateboard Like A Girl-Pushing Forward (2019)
What does it mean to “skateboard like a girl?” How do we get more voices talking about women’s skateboarding? Vanessa Torres invites us in to explain how seeing yourself in skateboarding can give you the confidence to finally drop in. Full Film Youtube

The New York Female Skate Crew That's Redefining The Culture | BRUJAS (2017)
A group of young activists in New York holding their own in the male-dominated skateparks spread through the city. BRUJAS defines itself as “an urban, free-form, creative and autonomous organization that seeks to build radical political coalition through youth culture. The group expresses community through skateboarding, art, and political organizing.” See article Oyster Magazine and Vogue

UNDEREXPOSED: A Women's Skateboarding Documentary (2013)
Professional skateboarder Amelia Brodka examines the skateboarding industry's approach to how it markets, promotes, and supports women in its sport. Underexposed explored the past, present, and future of women's skateboarding. It focused on the uprise of female skaters by featuring footage of girls ripping all over the world. Available Itunes or Amazon

Cover animated illustration by @rach-foster
Please let us know of any films/shorts/documentaries to keep on our radar for the next film installment, profile, or feature.
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